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Journal Article
Dancy, Barbara L, Diana L Jere, Sitingawawo I Kachingwe, Chrissie PN Kaponda, James L Norr, and Kathleen F Norr. "HIV risk reduction intervention for rural adolescents in Malawi." Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services 13, no. 3 (2014): 271-291.
Journal Article
Kaponda, Chrissie PN, Kathleen F Norr, Kathleen S Crittenden, James L Norr, Linda L McCreary, Sitingawawo I Kachingwe, Mary M Mbeba, Diana LN Jere, and Barbara L Dancy. "Outcomes of an HIV prevention peer group intervention for rural adults in Malawi." Health Education & Behavior 38, no. 2 (2011): 159-170.
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Flax, Valerie L, Chrissie Thakwalakwa, and Ulla Ashorn. "Perceptions of child body size and health care seeking for undernourished children in southern Malawi." Qualitative Health Research 26, no. 14 (2016): 1939-1948.
Journal Article
Thakwalakwa, Chrissie, Ajib Phiri, Nigel Rollins, Geert T Heikens, Erica K Barnell, and Mark Manary. "Growth and HIV-free survival of HIV-exposed infants in Malawi: a randomized trial of two complementary feeding interventions in the context of maternal antiretroviral therapy." Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 66, no. 2 (2014): 181-187.
Journal Article
Mangani, Charles, Per Ashorn, Kenneth Maleta, John Phuka, Chrissie Thakwalakwa, Kathryn Dewey, Mark Manary, Taneli Puumalainen, and Yin Bun Cheung. "Lipid-based nutrient supplements do not affect the risk of malaria or respiratory morbidity in 6-to 18-month-old Malawian children in a randomized controlled trial." The Journal of Nutrition 144, no. 11 (2014): 1835-1842.
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